Physical, mental, emotional , and nutritional help all from the moon.

Working with the energy of the moon has been common for centuries and used by many cultures and societies as a way to bring good fortune, health , and prosperity.
New moons traditionally present a chance to get clear on long-term dreams, goals, and big-picture projects. We know it as a time to set intentions and take action. Each year the new moon will fall in each of the 12 zodiac signs which come with their own unique and influencing energy.
This new moon on September 6th EST will fall under the beautiful sign of Virgo. The Earth sign Virgo is symbolized by the Maiden or the Virgin. It is ruled by the planet of communication Mercury and rules the sixth house of wellness and daily routine. Since this is a wellness blog, I could not think of a better moon to dedicate a blog post too!
This energy will linger in the air for the next few days and is the perfect time to work on yourself (isn’t it always?)
So here are 8 ways to harness this productive, organized, and clean energy this month!
1. Heal Your Gut
Virgo rules the digestive system and small intestines. Now is a great time to start implementing some gut healthy foods into your system. Think greens, probiotics, and whole foods. Probiotics are great and will introduce good bacteria to your micro biome to help with your digestion and overall well-being. Check out this list of probiotic foods or if none of them tickle your fancy - there are great pill form supplements out there! Think of this food as a way of cleaning out the waste inside and decluttering your system!
2. Pinpoint Your Goals
Virgo and new moons together are the ultimate recipe for new starts. spend some time thinking about what you want to bring into fruition in your life and some baby steps to get there. Pinpoint something you want to accomplish, then design your ultimate action plan for getting there. Using a journal just to free write all your ideas and then break down what you want to do is an awesome tool to kickstart your new adventures!
3. Self Care
Virgo is the sign of sacred self care. Now self care doesn’t always mean bubble baths and face masks, but finding a way to privatize yourself. Ask yourself, what brings you joy? What do you like to do? Make the time this month to schedule in that fun time for yourself! Let this energy inspire you to find a new way to prioritize your own needs first.
4. Hang out with Fido
Did you know that Virgo is the sign that rules pets? Pets, especially dogs and cats, can reduce stress, anxiety and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve your cardiovascular health. They are also adorable, which is always a plus.
A great way to increase your time with your pets is simply making the commitment to take your dog for a long, mindful daily walk. If you keep a brisk pace, it's a great way to increase your heart rate. If you don‘t have any pets, spend some time in nature - maybe even schedule a trip to the zoo while it’s still nice out. 🐻
5. Perfect Your Nutrition and Fitness Regimen
I promise I am not just saying this because this is a fitness blog - but it is the perfect time to tend to your nutrition and fitness regimen. Whether that be taking a moment to sit down and re-emulate your fitness goals or trying something new this month, like a new workout class. It’s always good to check in with yourself to see what your goals are and if you want to make any adjustments or changes.
6. Accountability
A good way to stay accountable with your goals is to get some accountability partners! Whether that be a friend who you trade healthy recipes with or a gym buddy, having someone who is going to motivate you and remind you of your goals is so important!
If you are shy or don’t have friends who share your passion- the internet is a great place for accountability!
There are so many online communities like Facebook groups you can join for free to stay accountable! Just type in a niche area of fitness or nutrition and I promise you will find a page with other likeminded people and posts.
7. Clean
This probably should have been number one on the list but it’s time to reorganize! Clean. Declutter. Scrub your bathtub (please). It’s such a cathartic way to symbolize a restart by cleaning your surroundings. Remember the outside reflects the inside.
8. Beware of perfectionism
Even though Virgo is a sign of regime and routine, it’s easy to fall into a pattern of perfectionism when you set your new goals. Take a step back if you find this happening and don’t be so hard on yourslef when setting new goals! A gratitude list can help rest your mind and help you overcome your inner critic. Try to write one daily in the morning even if it’s only 3 things to help ground yourself.
P.S. Affirmations go a long way as well. You are exactly where you need to be, and you're doing exactly what you need to be doing
Thank you! Follow on Instagram for more @happyhippiefitness_